Student Life

Class Schedule

Each course (with the exception of Biblical Greek) runs Tuesday through Friday, for a total of 24 hours of instruction. Each course also requires 27-30 hours of outside reading and assignments.

In addition, the class enjoys weekly events designed to stimulate further conversation and practical application.

Pastoral Leadership

Our staff includes a full-time pastor, Brian Chesemore (Director of Student Care), who coordinates care, discipleship, and fellowship among the students and their families. These groups help to deepen relationships, provide mutual care, and pursue growth in godliness.

  • Weekly Men’s and Women’s Groups

  • Monthly Couples’ Groups

  • Meetings with the elders of Sovereign Grace Church of Louisville

Local Church

Sovereign Grace Church of Louisville is the students’ church away from home. Students and their families enjoy many benefits from participating in the life of this church during their year at the Pastors College.

  • Preaching, pastoral care, and relationships with church members that last long after graduation

  • A working model for what the students are learning in the classroom

  • Specific times of fellowship and training from the pastors of SGCL


The Pastors College is not only for our students. We also prepare the students’ wives to serve alongside them in ministry. We offer care, discipleship, and specialized training to the wives throughout the school year.

  • Weekly Women’s Groups

  • Monthly Fellowship and Training 

  • Personal Care from Pastors College Staff Wives


Students are responsible for their own housing arrangements.


Students are required to demonstrate proof of health insurance. 

Special Events

Our events team hosts activities throughout the year for every member of the family. Each event is designed to foster friendships, create memories, and build a sense of class identity.