Program Requirements
Scripture and Interpretation
Old Testament 1: Pentateuch
Old Testament 2: Historical Books
Old Testament 3: Psalms & Wisdom Literature
Old Testament 4: Prophets
New Testament 1: Gospels
New Testament 2: Acts/Paul: Part 1
New Testament 3: Acts/Paul: Part 2
New Testament 4: Hebrews, General Epistles, & Revelation
Biblical Exegesis
Biblical Theology
Systematic Theology
Systematic Theology 1: Prolegomena, Revelation, & Scripture
Systematic Theology 2: Doctrine of God
Systematic Theology 3: Man, Sin, & Christ
Systematic Theology 4: Soteriology
Systematic Theology 5: Pneumatology
Systematic Theology 6: Ecclesiology
Systematic Theology 7: Eschatology
Pastoral Theology
Pastoral Ministry 1: Foundations
Pastoral Ministry 2: Pastoral Practices
Homiletics 1
Homiletics 2
Christian Worship
Theology & Practice of the Spiritual Life
Church Administration, Finances, & Law
Sovereign Grace Polity & Adjudicatory Training
Biblical Counseling
Biblical Counseling 1
Biblical Counseling 2
Church History
Church History 1: Early Church to Augustine
Church History 2 : Augustine to Reformation Precursors
Church History 3: Reformation to Present
Missions and Evangelism
Church Planting
Beginning Greek
Advanced Greek
Specialized Courses*
Exegesis of Romans
Exegesis of Hebrews
Exegesis of Galatians
Exegesis of Revelation
Corinthian Correspondence
Pauline Theology
Johannine Theology
Interpretation & Proclamation of the Psalms
Covenant Theology
Models of Sanctification
Theology of Money, Possessions, & Work
Christian Ethics
The Reformation
John Owen
Calvin: Theology & Ministry
*This is a sampling of non-core courses offered on an occasional basis.